Saturday 1 September 2018

Need Help Choosing Hunter or Warlock. (Or possibly Titan)

Hey, everyone. I used to be an avid Destiny player, and had my eye on Destiny 2. But after release, and seeing all the reviews, problems with microtransactions and the like, my friends and I didn't pick up the sequel. But since it's free on the Playstation store now, and I hear this latest DLC is going to be good, I decided, "Hell, why not?" and picked it up. Here's where I ran into a problem...I'm indecisive. Like, notoriously indecisive. If I think two things are interesting, but I only can pick one, good luck getting me to choose and actually enjoy my choice without any self-doubts. Now, I know you can play multiple characters, but I only really have time to focus on a single one, and I'm not one for replaying levels. Now, I ran through the entirety of Destiny with a Hunter, and had lots of fun, while getting my Titan to max level, too, and getting my Warlock to around 32. But no doubt I played Hunter most. Now, after watching a few videos on tiers and the like about Destiny, and looking at all 3 classes, I'm completely torn. I'm leaning towards the Hunter most, but I also am interested in the other two, and I'll list my reasons for each.Hunter: -Nostalgia, for one. Harkening back to my Destiny days with my best friends always makes me smile, and playing my old favourite class would certainly bring back memories. -Agility: I like the agile, dancing around type characters quite a bit, like Rogues from typical fantasy, and Hunter seems to fill that niche. -I hear their Exotic Armours are some of the better ones in the game. -The entire hood aesthetic is pretty cool, too.Warlock: -Space Wizards sound badass -Love their Armour aesthetic. Future trenchcoats are cool. -Both Void and Solar subclasses with their low trees are higher tier, and also look cool.Titan: -The entire tank/wall vibe is cool. -Sometimes I like the tankier characters more. -Void Subclass looks awesome, who wouldn't want to run around as a Void Captain America?So, I know this post is probably futile, as no matter what I 'hear' I'll probably have problems choosing anyway, but if you can at all try and sway my terrible decision making to one class, I'd appreciate it a ton. General Destiny 2 advice is also welcome, but not important compared to the main question. Thanks for reading, and have a good one!

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