Monday 30 November 2020

[US-AZ] [H] PayPal [W] JTK Vostok-1

Please comment before PM.

Buk talks of butterflies 🦋

I sure hope it does

Gloria Sol Nude In Cupcake II MPLStudios Model Gallery

Post their longest possible sentences that they will have to serve after mine.

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back at it

Food intolerance

Hi guys my stomach has been really bad considering I'm eating all the right things (mostly). One thing I eat everyday is eggs and I know some people with IBS can't have eggs. Is it possible to develop an intolerance?

Which should be my next dino? I’m running out of original ideas.

My next two I’m doing are ankylosaurus, then triceratops. However I’m looking for suggestions on what to do next.View Poll

How to view pay stubs/ quarterly pay for unemployment as a FORMER partner?

Hi everyone,I’m a former 244xxxx partner based in CA.I chose the separation option back in June when it was offered to me, because it worked for my current situation at the time. I know we’re eligible for unemployment but form avoidance had me putting off applying until recently (with money being extra scarce). The problem is, I now have no way of accessing info like my former hourly rate, pay stubs, quarterly income from the past year etc. I went through my bank statements and manually entered everything but it felt inaccurate and the site deleted all my info before I could save it.Is there an easier way to get this information? Does anyone have any advice into how this process works in CA? I only know one Partner who’s gotten unemployment from my store (the rest kept working there or moved away) and we’re on weird terms so I don’t really know who to ask.Thanks for any help, and sorry for formatting issues I don’t usually make posts on this sub despite being a former frequent lurker lol

Sissy attitude

Hi sweeties!Anna here again and I’m a bit frustrated... frustrated with fake sissies!There are so many so called ‘sissies’ who dare to show unlocked clitties and even ask if somebody want it. It is just awful!Like, let’s just remember who we are! We are inferiors! A Sissy doesn’t fuck anybody. A Sissy gets fucked. Your so called ‘cock’ is nothing but a useless clitty that should be locked!In the end of the day, you know what does make a sissy? Not a make up, not even a girly clothes, not even a wig. An attitude!Sissy is a bitch, a whore, a bimbo, a slut, a fuckmeat, you call it. A sissy is delighted to serve sexually her Superiors by with her holes! Chin down, ass up, assume the position!If you want to fuck, to perform as a top, that’s fine, just don’t call yourself a sissy...

because you all asked so nicely... a series (1/3)

I think I may have just received the worst rejection email of all time

"Please accept our appreciation for your interest in Entuitive and thank you for your recent application to the Junior Software Developer role.  Your qualifications are impressive and no doubt a strong reflection of the knowledge and experience you would bring to any organization. However, at this point in time, we are proceeding with another candidate that most closely meets our requirements."

Uxie raid on me add now first 10. 5579 7213 1781

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Just gushin bout my gf :)

so i recently got into my first relationship and its been golden so far My gf is such a sweet humble person and ive had nothing but a constant stream of happiness since we’ve started dating. She’s really skilled at a bunch of things too! She does incredible art and is really good at tennis!! i absolutely love the way she lights up when i compliment her skillsLike i’ve never fallen so hard for a person before and i want nothing more than to protect her and make her happy and just hold her hand I really never thought i would end up with her too because she’s just soo out of my league and easily the most gorgeous person i’ve ever seen, but i lucked out i guess :’)She just has such a warm aura and is so inspiring and funny and smart and loving and... i mean i could go on forever lolDue to quarantine we haven’t been able to officially meet up yet but as soon as i get the opportunity (hopefully very soon) i’ll be there in a heartbeat -^Ok gushing done lol i just needed a place to properly gush hopefully it was as wholesome and enjoyable to read as it was writing it :)

Pretty in pink 💞

Biden’s Inauguration: Expect Smaller Crowds and More Social Distancing


As Senate runoffs approach, Trump’s attacks on Georgia Republicans have worried some in his party.


As Trump Attacks Georgia Republicans, Party Worries About Senate Races


Citing Pardon, Justice Dept. Asks Judge to ‘Immediately’ Dismiss Flynn Case



By Unknown Author

A Responsible Withdrawal From Afghanistan


Police Body Cameras Cited as ‘Powerful Tool’ Against Stop-and-Frisk Abuses


Sunday 29 November 2020

Coastal Sale

Here is the Coastal SaleReally good site if you are looking for coupon codes. You can find most stores deals, coupons, deals on there.

[SELLING]🔥Online now😈Play with me Daddy 💋 Nudes•Videos•Customs•Sexting•Cock Rate•GFE•Live Verify• KIK: katyhernandez19

How i play video games😉 (f)

thanks for the 100 man, my twitch is "BorelPOG"

She is so sexy


What is this?

We've been friends since school, and we've always had something between us, i know you feel it, but time has passed us by so many times. Everytime we talk, everytime we see each other it's there. But it can never be a thing, we arn't even sure if it is a thing. This is the third time you've told me about your feelings, many years inbetween, once in scholl when we were both in a relationship, once in college when just you were in one, and again, just now...We are both in a relationship and we have no way to see each other, all we can do is text and call when your other half is at work and this isn't enough for me, speaking this way is hard especially when our current topic is difficult. I hate how unsure we are about this, these feelings, this soft spot we have for each other. I can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but as long as i've known you it hasn't changed.I've told you about how i think about you even when we arn't talking, no matter how long that may be, months, years as it has been previously, but you never keave my mind and i know you experience the same, i wonder what about our connection is so strong and why it has to be this way.I guess i'll never know.I'll just keep letting time pass us by as i keep improving, as you stay stuck and unhappy. This isn't the end for us i know that for sure but it isn't the beggining either.What is this? It has to be a rhetorical question because as much as i think about it i can't figure it out, so im going to stop trying to understand and just enjoy the time that just passes us by.

Dear Reddit, The kool-aid man Is now a multidimensional malevolent god. What do you do? How do you defeat him?

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You wanna see how dirty this milf can be ?😈 wanna see how naughty I am?💦😈 peep the comments 💋

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Shower Curtain Cock

Do you give out your IG on the app?

How many of you do give out your IG on the app? Why or why not?

Home Alone: the Christmas movie with the best wrestling psychology

Of all the Christmas movies out there, Home Alone is the one with the best wrestling psychology.The first 10 minutes tell you everything you need to know about the main characters. Kevin is an immature brat that needs to grow up, Buzz is a dick who exploits Kevin's immaturity, his neighbor Old Man Marley has a bad reputation, and that "cop," is suspicious.Kevin gets a bit of shine standing up to Buzz and taking inventory of the suspicious cop. Kevin's parents put the heat on him by exiling him to the attic and forgetting him, but he reverses it on them by making the best of it (indoor sledding, ice cream, and R-rated movies) and getting in a hope spot or two until the cop from earlier is revealed to be part of the Wet Bandits (a duo of local burglars). They put their own heat on Kevin by creeping on him and attempting to rob his house throughout the movie.Kevin continues to get in little hope spots by driving off the Wet Bandits and making peace with scary Old Man Marley. When the Bandits decide to rob Kevin's house once and for all, Kevin makes the ultimate comeback by booby trapping the house. All the traps, but especially the hot doorknob, the blowtorch flamethrower, the paint cans to the head, and the spider on the face are Kevin's Five Moves of Doom or Greatest Hits, if you read Quack's books.Kevin calls the police and tells them to meet him at a neighbors house, then escapes to the neighbors house for a good false finish, but the Wet Bandits catch up to him and corner him for a nice falsie of their own. Before they can finish Kevin off, in comes Old Man Marley with the save and the REAL finish.Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong or suggest other best wrestling psychology movies!

How big does one object have to be to be seen from space with the naked eye?

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Me toquei esses dias q o Flamengo e o Vasco não utilizam o escudo efetivamente na camisa ( realmente nunca tinha conectado na minha cabeça isso).. Achei interessante e uma ideia muito boa, que outros times fazem isso ?

Eu lembro q o Palmeiras usava um P em alguma das camisas , achei isso bem legal

It’s time to stand up for ourselves

30.11.2020 01:13:53

Noble Constant Type 2 dropping again?

So I'm a returning player, haven't played since Black Armory. I know about sunsetting and due to sunsetting I thought that the old Y1 gear like Noble Constant and the Frumious set etc was going to be out of the loot pool.Today the Titan and Hunter arms dropped out of a Hero level Nightfall. With a max power of 1410. Was this known and I missed it in a TWAB somewhere? Or is this new to Beyond Light?

Deltas awarded in "CMV: Men don't feel love like women do"

Below is a list of the deltas awarded in this post.Please note that a change of view is not necessarily a reversal, and that OP awarding a delta doesn't mean the conversation has ended.For a full explanation of the delta system, see here.Deltas from OP /u/MenDontLove1 delta from OP to /u/Glory2Hypnotoad for "I think there's a major disconnect between your stated thesis and what you actually want to argue. C..."Deltas from Other UsersNone yet.

List Your Fav Carti Snippets in the comments

I need sumn to listen to while waiting for WLR

Eyes wide cut: the American origins of Korea’s plastic surgery craze

强迫他国听话 纽时点出习近平「中共特色的全球化」

​中国领导人习近平。   图:翻摄新华网(资料照)澳洲与中国在新冠病毒的议题交恶,今年春天澳洲唿吁对新冠病毒的起源展开调查,因此中国也开始报復澳洲,悄悄禁止从澳洲进口煤炭、葡萄酒、大麦、棉花等商品,这违反了自由贸易准则,而且中国还在没有明确说明的情况下,把价值300万美元(约等于新台币8551万元)的澳洲大龙虾耽搁在上海海关,直到龙虾死亡。《纽约时报》24日指出,「中共特色的全球化」(globalization with Communist characteristics):中国但澳洲仍和14个亚洲国家共同签署了由中国主导的「区域全面经济伙伴协定」(RCEP),对此,《纽约时报》指出,这就是「中共特色的全球化」。政府一边推动中国对全球的开放,一边採取越来越咄咄逼人,有时甚至是惩罚性的政策,迫使他国按中国规则行事。由于中美关系日益恶化,中国也希望能够在自身需求上减少对世界的依赖,同时让多国尽可能依赖中国一些,尤其是习近平政权也利用美国总统川普大选失败后,美国政治混乱时期,大力打击川普政府。《纽约时报》报导,澳洲国立大学(Australian National University)编辑《中国的故事》(China Story)部落格的研究员姜云(Yun Jiang)表示,「中国想要的是效法其他大国的做法,在有利于自身利益时,中国会想去遵守国际规则与标准,但是如果不利于自己,中国就会无是这些国际规则,以满足自身需求。」报导指出,因为中国已经在境内消除了新冠病毒,使得经济成长较快,中国的制造业规模也领先全球,让其他深受新冠肺炎影响的国家,只能从医疗设备到先进电子产品都严重依赖中国。习近平也在过去一週的谈话中,阐述他想看到的世界新秩序,同时确立了他在全球关系运作所设定的条件。他在亚太经济合作会议(APEC)年度系列会议中强调,中国经济不愿与世界「脱钩」(decoupling),中国也会坚持开放,推动更公平合理的国际经济治理体制。习近平更在会上表示,「开放是国家进步的前提,封闭必然导致落后」,似乎在暗酸川普的美国优先原则。​newtalk2020.11.29 黄奕慈

[PS4][PS5] Selling 1mill MT for 12/100k