Friday 30 November 2018

First time I got full stats

I like this

Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công đóng cừ tràm gia cố móng theo chuẩn xây dựng

1. Sơ lược về cừ tràm và cách tính toán mật độ cọc tràmCừ tràm là một trong những loại cây được sử dụng rất nhiều trong xây dựng. Loại cây này có những đặc tính rất phù hợp với chất đất và khí hậu tại các tỉnh miền Nam, nên được người dân ở đây sử dụng để gia cố nền móng cho những công trình nhà ở là rất phổ biến.​Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công đóng cừ tràm - Cừ Tràm Đại NamViệc sử dụng cừ tràm thường phần lớn dựa theo kinh nghiệm của những người trước để lại. Cho dù đã có khá nhiều những nghiên cứu khoa học về loại cây này để có thể cho ra những quy chuẩn chính xác của chúng trong lĩnh vực xây dựng. Có một số đề tài nghiên cứu khá hay phải kể đến là ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ MÃ SỐ RD – 9513 .Đề tài này được thực hiện vào năm 1995 bởi các giáo sư tiến sĩ trong ngành xây dựng kiến trúc. Tuy vậy đề tài vẫn chưa được nhà nước công nhận về các quy chuẩn của nó. Bạn có thể xem tại bài viết “Quy trình tính toán và thiết kế móng cọc tràm trên nền đất yếu”.Tại sao hiện nay con người vẫn còn sử dụng loại cọc này để gia cố nền móng cho những công trình nhà ở, công trình loại vừa và nhỏ. Tất cả là dựa vào kinh nghiệm của những người trước và những công trình được sử dụng cọc tràm để gia cố móng mà còn tồn tại tới ngày hôm nay. Có khá nhiều các công trình tiêu biểu lớn nhỏ được sử dụng cừ tràm để gia cố móng như: cư xá Thanh Đa (Q.Bình Thạnh) Chọ Tân Quy Tây, các công trình nhà ở lớn nhỏ khác nhau.Trước khi đưa ra được biện pháp thi công đóng cừ phù hợp trước tiên phải được trải qua quá trình khảo sát địa chất đất nền tại nơi thi công. Mục đích để tính toán chính xác về số lượng cọc tràm được đóng trên một mét vuông là bao nhiêu? Đây là một bước rất quan trọng cần được lưu ý. Mật độ cọc trên một mét vuông được tính toán dựa theo độ sệt và cường độ chịu tải thiên nhiên của đất. Công thức tính toán cọc tràm ta có thể tham khảo công thức đối với cọc tre. Thông thường dựa vào kinh nghiệm các đơn vị thi công vẫn thường đóng mật độ 25 cọc/m2. Ở một số trường hợp mật độ đóng cừ có thể giao động từ 16-36 cọc/m2 (tùy thuộc vào chất đất tại nơi thi công).2. Thực hiện thi công đóng cừ tràmĐóng cừ tràm thường sử dụng hai biện pháp là: đóng cừ bằng máy và đóng cừ bằng tay.Cách đóng cừ bằng máy: thường hay sử dụng xe cuốc hoặc máy rung để đóng. Đối với máy cuốc thì nguyên lý hoạt động là sử dụng gầu máy để đóng. Còn đối với máy rung thì nguyên lý hoạt động dựa vào độ rung của máy tạo ra lực đóng của búa.Cách đóng cừ bằng tay: cách này còn được gọi là đóng cừ thủ công, sử dụng vồ gỗ lớn có cán dài. Nguyên lý là sử dụng sức người để đóng. Khi đóng cọc thì phải bọc chụp sắt lên đầu cọc cừ tránh bị dập nát.Cả hai cách đều có những ưu điểm và nhược điểm riêng. Thường thi vẫn ưu tiên sử dụng cách đóng cừ bằng máy vì chi phí chỉ bằng một nửa so với cách đóng cừ bằng tay. Ngoài ra còn tiết kiệm được nhân công và rút ngắn thời gian thi công. Chỉ sử dụng cách đóng cừ bằng tay duy nhất trong trường hợp địa hình thi công quá nhỏ hẹp.Cần thiết phải đóng rộng ra ngoài diện tích móng mỗi bên 10-20cm để tăng sức chống cắt cho cung trượt. Nhiều người có thói quen đóng từ xa tới gần, đóng xung quanh trước. Thực ra không có tác dụng gì mà chỉ mất thời gian cho việc thi công, vì cừ không lèn chặt được đất bùn. Về độ sâu của móng cọc tràm, khá nhiều người có thói quen đặt móng khá sâu, gây bất lợi cho thi công, nhất là vào mùa mưa. Dựa vào một số tài liệu cho thấy rằng ở những vị trí cao hơn mạch nước ngầm, đất vẫn ẩm ướt, độ bão hòa cao, luôn đảm bảo về độ ẩm để giữ cho cọc tràm không bị khô dẫn đền bị mục nát. Vì vậy tùy vào chất đất mà chọn ra biện pháp thi công đóng cừ tràm cho thích hợp.Một vấn đề rất cần quan tâm đó là rất nhiều người thường có thói quen phủ trực tiếp cát lên đầu cọc tràm sau khi thi công xong. Làm như vậy sẽ làm cát len lỏi lẫn vào đất hoặc bị lẫn vào lớp bê tông lót. Theo dòng chảy, cát cũng có thể dịch chuyển. Khi những công trình bên cạnh thi công thì cát sụt lở dẫn đến độ dày lớp cát đệm khi trước không đều. Dẫn đếu tính trạng móng bị lún không đều. Bước này rất quan trọng đáng được quan tâm. Cách làm là sau khi đóng cọc xong thì trải trực tiếp lên đầu các cọc cừ một lớp bê tông lót. Sau đó trải đá 3x4 lên bề mặt lớp bê tông lót. Bước cuối cùng là trám xi măng lên bề mặt. Mục đích để gia cố các đầu cọc tràm thành một khối vững chắc.3. Kết luậnĐể sử dụng được cừ trám đúng cách thì cần phải nắm rõ về những đặc tính của loại cây này. Chúng ta cũng không nên đánh giá thấp về khả năng chịu lực của cọc tràm. Không nên sử dụng cừ tràm ở những địa chất đất quá yếu, có độ lún cao, ở trường hợp này có thể sử dụng bê tông để thay thế. Cần lưu ý xử lý đúng phần đầu cọc tràm sau khi thi công vì nó ảnh hưởng rất lớn tới độ lún của công trình. Phải giữ cọc tràm luôn đủ độ ẩm thích hợp để kéo dài độ bền cho móng. Ở điều kiện thích hợp cọc tràm có niên hạn sử dụng trên 50 năm.Xem thêm: Mua cừ tràm giá rẻ chất lượng tốt ở đâu uy tín đáng tin cậy?

Fighting Lion Catalyst drop?

I was doing a public even on the Tangled Shore when I noticed a yellow triangle on the ground. I run over and get it and it says I've got a Fighting Lion Catalyst. Where does it go when I get that? It's not in my weapons and I don't see it in my collection so I'm not really sure where to look. Any help is appreciated!

How powerful was I to begin with to warrant this level of nerfing

Callendar House - Falkirk,Scotland [OC]

It rained heavily last night and I found a drowned bee in my garden. F to pay respects.

Nevermind me, just providing meme-building source for the heroes of NNN


Don't argue with the Chief

I was on the steamship I work on one day (we were dockside, and the Chief and I were about to do some work on the boiler). The ship was open to the public for tours as it usually is on Saturdays.The Chief has been running marine steam plants professionally for over forty years.This visitor comes up to the Chief, and, as is not uncommon, proceeds to mistake the cylinder block of the engine for the boiler. When the Chief, corrects him, however, the visitor gets angry.Well, long story short, the Chief winds up skewering this poor soul with facts and logic, and I literally made popcorn.

21 [F4M] I'm horny and online.

Don't get much time for reddit due to real life stuff but when i do i'm on these dirty subs, rubbing and trying to cum with someone from here.

+91-9876425548 (Love spells)Mantra For Successful Married Life BABA JI IN AMERICA

+91-9876425548 (Love spells)Mantra For Successful Married Life BABA JI IN AMERICA+91-9876425548 (Love spells)Mantra For Successful Married Life BABA JI IN AMERICA+91-9876425548 (Love spells)Mantra For Successful Married Life BABA JI IN AMERICA+91-9876425548 (Love spells)Mantra For Successful Married Life BABA JI IN AMERICA

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Here is the link (Banggood): ZOHD Nano Talon RC Airplane PNPCurrent price is $93.55. The average price (FOR ONE ITEM) currently is $98.07 and the lowest in my database is $99.08 on 21.11.2017. There're already 5 records in DB. Price monitoring since 20.11.2017!Price alerts and current coupons for ZOHD Nano Talon RC Airplane PNP are here can also check other channels:FB groupTelegram

@#[Official/Streams]#@..>.... //~ Jeff Horn .VS. Anthony Mundine Live Stream by -rEddit

@#[Official/Streams]#@..>.... //~ Jeff Horn .VS. Anthony Mundine Live Stream by -rEddit🔴 LIVE- 1 🔴 JEFF HORN VS MUNDINE LIVE STREAM.🔴LIVE-2 🔴 👉 BOXING HD STREAM

Big nips! 👌

Sclerotherapy Treatment Texas

Dr. Scott J. Powell provides effective sclerotherapy treatment in texas with minimal discomfort and best results. Contact him at 940-808-0949.

Me irl


What breed is my kitten?

Leave today

Come tomorrow

He is so cute


30m Indian looking for a haircut near sandton

I'm not sure where to find a barber who can cut my hair. I'd gladly do it with their machines if they let me work on myself. Any suggestions around the sandton area? Willing to travel.

It is a repost for a good cause!

семейный психотерапевт рядом со мной

Mom 🅱️lease

Guide Falls, Tasmania (5472x3648) [OC]

Have A Nice Life - I Don't Love [Shoegaze/Post-punk]

Black & white picture shot in BATTLEFIELD V

The next skin to come out in Fortnite is going to be __________.

No text found

Is it bad I forgot to submit the ap classes I plan on taking this year for uc applications?

So I remember I put all of the ap scores that I have received in the past, but forgot to add some of the tests I plan on taking this may. Will this affect my chances and should I even take those tests now?

My brother's ex-girlfriend, a JustNo from hell

It really hit me recently how fucked up the things are all together that she did. My brothers hate her so much that we don't even refer to her by her name anymore, but for privacy's sake I'll refer to her as "That Creature", or TC for short. My brothers will be "Bill", the second oldest, and "John", the third oldest.​So this "thing" was my brother John's first girlfriend, starting when they were in middle school, either in 7th or 8th grade. In the beginning she was this cool, eccentric girl who got along great with my family, she even attended the ceremony of our oldest brother's wedding (luckily not the reception, so she wasn't in any pictures or anything). And to me, best of all she was the big sister figure I had always wanted. Being the only girl with three older brothers wasn't always a picnic, and if you're familiar with my posts about "Fannie", you'll see why I didn't have many healthy friendships with other girls. So TC was a breath of fresh air in my life, and she treated me like I was her little sister, and needless to say since she and John dated for a few years, I grew attached to her. I even used some of my birthday money one year to buy us matching plush key chains of a cartoon character we both loved.​​And me, being the doe-eyed kid I was when TC and John started dating, had thought that they would be together forever and get married some day. For their first year anniversary I even wrote a poem about them referring to them as a knight and princess (lost to the sands of time, and shit was it so cheesy and stupid). Between my normal meter being broken (thanks to Fannie) and my naive nature, my brothers wound up hiding a lot of things from me when shit started hitting the fan.​Because it's been such a long time I don't entirely remember the timeline, but some time after John and TC broke up (due to her weird, controlling behaviour) she started trying to get Bill to date her. Saying she had always been attracted to him, John didn't have to know, tons of red flags that screamed, "CRAZY ALERT, PROCEED TO THE LIFE BOATS."​​Her harassment became so bad that eventually, one day Bill snapped and called her. When she didn't answer he left her a voicemail telling her to leave our family the fuck alone, and if she didn't then she would be sorry.​So what does TC do? Calls the cops that night, and they came a'knocking around midnight, waking us all up and infuriating my parents. TC had claimed that she had a phone call with Bill that day and he threatened her, saying things like he would fuck her up if she ever came near us again and she would be lucky if she didn't get killed. All lies. TC had merely deleted the voicemail, cried crocodile tears to her parents (her mom was just as bad as she was, and completely enabled TC's fucked up behaviour) that Bill threatened her life on the phone, and her mom swooped in and involved the police.​I don't know what happened to TC when her mom found out she had lied, but no charges were ever filed against my brothers or TC. All I know is when the police confronted her about her lies, she batted her eyelashes and got away with it, claiming trouble with her bipolar medications cuz "they messed up her head" sometimes. (And a side note, her inability to properly take her medication is a part of what made her and John's relationship fall apart. She did used to take it very religiously, but then just stopped. We still have no idea what the hell happened there.)​So she managed to get away with harassing my family because the police fell for her little "woe is me, these boys are being mean to me" schtick.​Somehow, she backed off after a while. Then cuz we wound up making friends with friends of hers at our high school (TC went to a different school then us), TC and John did the whole "just friends" thing and let bygones be bygones. By that point TC had been showing she was more stable now... which was short-lived. Eventually she started trying to get back together with John, and simultaneously trying to get together with Bill despite Bill having a girlfriend (who, also, was JustFuckingNO, but different story). All while assuming Bill and John weren't telling each other that TC was trying to get together with one another again.​And while TC was doing her best to hide her crazy from our friends, she was successfully hiding it from me and playing the older sister role to me again. Despite everything I had missed her quite a bit and still loved her (again: broken normal meter), and since I was familiar with rug-sweeping and my brothers seemed not to have a problem with her anymore (which they were hiding from me) I felt like our surrogate sisterly relationship had picked back up again where we left off.​So while I wasn't the same innocent kid I was when I was 11/12, I was just glad to see the TC I had known and loved that suddenly made a 180 when I was 13. She was clinging to this idea that her and John would get back together, and even set him up with a prom date in their junior year under the assumption that they wouldn't like each other.​(Setting up that blind date wound up being the best thing TC ever did in the years we knew her, because John and her got married this year, and my now-SIL is the best big sister figure I could have ever asked for, leaps and bounds beyond TC.)​Before TC had even set up John with my now-SIL, John had briefly dated a girl he'd been friends with since middle school, "Allie", whom he had a crush on for a while in high school. But TC convinced her to break up with him after like a week or so, and to go out with her instead. They dated for a few weeks tops, then broke up, and after that TC was convinced they were soulmates. Allie died not long after (omitting how for privacy) and it wasn't until recently that it was revealed that TC had been harassing her and stalking her, online and IRL, trying to bully her into getting back together, while also claiming they were soulmates. After Allie died, TC claimed she lost her soulmate to anyone who would listen. From what I hear, she's still saying this after almost ten years. Obviously she still isn't entirely stable.​So the last time I ever saw TC or spoke to her, she really broke my trust. She invited me to go to an anime convention with her, and since we couldn't afford a hotel room we commuted to and from the city it was in by train. It was a 3-day convention, and on the morning of day 3 (during which I had a much-anticipated meet-up with an online friend of mine who was the same age as me) it was past the time she was going to pick me up so we could go to the train station, and I kept calling her but she didn't answer. She texted me a flimsy excuse and said she couldn't make it anymore, and she was sorry. I hadn't been to that city before until I went with her and she knew that, so even if I wanted to go on the last day by myself I would have trouble finding my way around and couldn't afford a taxi to the convention center. It was also way before I ever got a smart phone, so that wasn't an option either. I was only seventeen and I considered possibly going by myself, but in the end I knew it wasn't a good idea.​​After TC broke my trust, I started seeing her crazy more clearly. And when I told my brothers I didn't think our friendship would last anymore, they told me all the things they had kept from me to save my feelings. How she had been swinging back and forth between trying to get with Bill and getting back together with John before her obsession with Allie began. It was mind-boggling.​Recently, after going through these old memories, I realized TC did something that left me with mental scars that I'm still dealing with today. She was the first real big sister figure in my life, and after she hurt me twice like that, it made me put up my protective walls and not trust other girls as sister figures for a long time. It even caused me to be very closed off around my now-SIL for the first few years of her and John's relationship, and when we did start to get closer for a while I thought I had a crush on her. But I realized recently that when I start forging close relationships with people in ways like that, I started wondering if I had a crush on them. It turns out that it was like a coping mechanism, where if I had a crush and was rejected, that was easier to deal with then forging a sisterly relationship only to see it destroyed the way it was with TC. Going through that made me even think for over a year I was in love with my best friend; when I confessed to her it crushed me, but I got over it and we're still close and I still love her with all of my heart. TC damaged me in a way that no young girl should be, and I was just collateral damage. Her obsessions with my brothers and Allie were deeply unhealthy.​​I have to say this much, though. Bipolar disorder is manageable, but when TC stopped managing herself, that is when everything went to shit. TC is unwell when she doesn't take care of herself, and last I heard she still isn't taking proper care of her bipolar disorder. I can only hope that with time, she will take better care of herself. I don't know if what she did can be construed as what it's like when you have manic episodes, but it doesn't excuse everything she did. She hurt so many people and burned so many bridges. I hope eventually she can see what she did was wrong. Her mental illness isn't her fault, but it isn't an excuse either.​​Getting this off my chest has been helpful. I think I might delete this after a while, but just writing it down has helped see it really is messed up.​I was a little vague with details for certain reasons, so sorry if it seems to be lacking information.

White house

[World] - In a twist, Trump fights to keep some Palestinian aid alive | Washington Times

Ep2 detroit become human save alice gameplay

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办西安大略大学毕业证书UWO毕业证成绩单学历认证Q/微501146313【高仿制作假毕业证成绩单】专业为留学生解决就业难的问题▎购买加拿大毕业证文凭University of Western Ontario

【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】本公司专业办理国外文凭制作、代办国外文凭证件,快速办理海外学历认证等证件,专业从事海外留学人员制作国外证件:国外毕业证,外国文凭、外国学历、国外学历学位认证、留学文凭,留学人员回国证明、国外大学成绩单、国外大学学历公证书、大使馆公证书等各国学历学位认证的业务,在各大留学服务机构及国外同行的鼎力支持下,搜集了几百所世界各地大学的文凭及范本,其中美国、英国,澳大利亚,加拿大,德国,法国,新加坡,新西兰,日本,韩国,香港,澳门,台湾等国家和地区的大学毕业文凭我们制作得最多,涉及从普通的专科毕业证至本科学士学位证书、硕士学士学位证书、博士研究生学历学位等各种层次的文凭,我们目前仍在继续努力获得更多的国外文凭及范本,尽可能为所有有需要的朋友提供更好更广泛的服务。★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★专业制做办理,购买、高仿,精仿,代办代购,毕业证成绩单申请学校,仿制毕业证书、成绩单文凭、改成绩、教育部学历学位认证、文凭、学历文凭、假文凭假毕业证假学历假证书制作、假学历制作、、仿制学位证书、毕业证文凭、毕业文凭、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查!【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★一、毕业证成绩单办理流程:​1:收集好客户办理需要的信息​2:客户预付30%定金后,根据客户的信息帮客户先办理电子图,发给客户核对。​3:电子图确定无误后,制作实物,实物ok后,视频或者照片和客户核对实物​4:实物确定ok后,结算70%的余款,根据客户提供的地址快递给客户(国内发顺丰隔天到,国外DHL3-4天到)​5:客户收到后确认无误,删除客户个人信息。​★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★​二、真实网上可查的证明材料​1、教育部学历学位认证,留服官网真实存档可查,永久存档。​2、留学回国人员证明(使馆认证),使馆网站真实存档可查。​​​三、真实教育部认证办理流程​1、客户提供相关材料,确定客户办理信息,给出最佳操作方案;​2、补充毕业证成绩单等相关材料;​3、留服官网注册申请账号,付定金;​4、预约递交时间,公司人员陪同客户本人一起去留服递交材料;​5、等待结果,完成结果书留服直接邮寄给客户​6、客户确认收到结果,付余款。​我们对海外大学及学院的毕业证成绩单所使用的材料,尺寸大小,防伪结构(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)都有原版本文凭对照。质量得到了广大海外客户群体的认可,同时和海外学校留学中介,​同时能做到与时俱进,及时掌握各大院校的(毕业证,成绩单,资格证,学生卡,结业证,录取通知书,在读证明等相关材料)的版本更新信息,​能够在第一时间掌握最新的海外学历文凭的样版,尺寸大小,纸张材质,防伪技术等等,并在第一时间收集到原版 实物,以求达到客户的需求。★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★​我们的优势:​[效率优势]保证在约定的时间内完成任务,支持视频语音电话查询完成进度。​[品质优势]与学校颁发的相关证件1:1纸质尺寸制定(定期向各大院校毕业生购买最新版本毕业证成绩单保证您拿到的是学校内部最新版本毕业证成绩单)​[保密优势]我们绝不向任何个人或组织泄露您的隐私,致力于在充分保护你隐私的前提下,为您提供更优质的体验和服务。完成交易,删除客户资料​[价格优势]我们在保证合理定价的同时,坚持较高性价比,通过品质和效率不断优化,为您倾情诠释什么是高性价比。★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★​本公司还可以按照客户原版印刷制作,且能够达到客户理想的要求。有需要办理证件的客户请联系我们在线客服中心微信:【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】招聘中介代理:本公司诚聘各地代理人员以及留学生,如果你有业余时间,有兴趣的话可以联系我,我们会给您优厚的回报!

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