Monday 31 December 2018

The fuck is with the bookshelf and how do I find it

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The volcano lava flow on the Big Island in Hawaii is an insane force of nature, destroying everything in its path.

Why Won’t My House Sell In Dallas ?

Last House Standing Buy Fine Art Online

Last House Standing is a Fine Art by Amjad Ali Khan Pathanhttps://

The opening to this Chris Stuckmann video feels like a jab at Mauler

Fortune cookie quote writer is a Linux user (not OC)

[uncensored-r/CryptoCurrency] Our badass reply to Roger Ver and OpenNode

The following post by atomicpay is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been openly removed.The original post can be found(in censored form) at this CryptoCurrency/comments/ab5anuThe original post's content was as follows:

Presented my graduate Urban Design thesis proposal earlier this month. It's been something that I've stressed over for a while, happy to say it went really well! And for the first time, I've gotten a good GPA. Here's to looking up in 2019!

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Ice’s landlord

Just found out we have a bunch of cereals but no freakin milk

I dont what to do man I'm tweakin man this shit is frustrating

How to communicate with children?

I have never talked to any children including my relatives before except when I was a child myself. What is the first step that I should take? Thanks.

“Celeste”を生んだMatt Makes Gamesが2Dアクションアドベンチャー「Skytorn」の開発中止を正式に報告

It's not impossible...

DJ Mix - ES Waves - Podcast 17

I've put together another mix with (part of) a track of mine at the end.​Nathan Micay - PeaksNathan Micay - Beginning BalladsJobe - ImproviseThird Son - CountercultureANNA - Far BeyondKevin de Vries & Weska - SonorousKevin de Vries - When Time Stops (Skober Remix)Airwave - Rain Upon My Skin (Crocy Remix)Brassica - Tears I Can Afford (Bicep Remix)ES Waves - The First Touch​Check it out!

Sweden just released their most notorious jihadists back into society.

The Cars

"Non Creation"...Only Knows..."Non Creation".Welcome to..."Knowing" you're..."Alive".Liam EsotericJanuary 1997Peace and Harmony, Friends.Metaphysics #Clairvoyance #ESP #Love #God

“Still waiting” Watercolor, 120x100mm

Felix with media

AGDQ is One of My Favorite Events, and I Couldn't Be More Excited for This Year

Hey everyone!With AGDQ 2019 less than a week away, I've been super busy preparing for my normal routine. A few years ago, I started freelancing as an entertainment critic and overall media journalist. Before then, AGDQ and SGDQ were simply fun events that I got to enjoy from the comfort of my couch.After a year or so into my freelance career, I tried to sell a few articles about speedrunning, AGDQ, and similar events. Although the initial interest was lackluster, I eventually found a few clients who were willing to give me a shot.At first, I'd attempt to write 500 word articles about each run as they were happening, making mad dashes to the bathroom or store whenever breaks came up. It was hectic and stressful. Eventually, I was able to find the right client, and settle into a routine of daily recaps and live coverage via social media. This was still in addition to my normal workload and schedule.Fast forward to now. Currently, my coverage of GDQ and other "Best of the Year" content is enough to sustain myself in terms of my freelance budget. AGDQ 2019 is the first real year that I will be able to sit back, enjoy the marathon, and purely write and create content about speedrunning. Although I'm barely a speedrunner myself (unless Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo counts), I have a real connection to the scene. Watching it grow over the past decade or so has been awesome, and finding a way to integrate things like GDQ into my freelance career has been an overwhelming surprise.I said it last year at the end of AGDQ 2018, but it bears repeating; thank you. Honestly, I'm super lucky to be able to chill around for a week watching awesome speedruns, and not have to take vacation time or lose out on work. As a freelancer, that's a huge deal. It wouldn't be possible without the speedrun community, and for that I offer my complete and utter gratitude.On a less serious note, what runs are you all looking forward to? I wrote up a recommendation article myself, but it was so incredibly hard to whittle things down. I watched every VOD from SGDQ 2018, so I'm excited to see everything. However, there are some runs I simply must see live. What runs will you be staying up until ungodly hours to watch?Side note: If you're interested in following my coverage, you can find it pretty easily online. I don't want this post to feel anything less than absolutely sincere. That said, my article about what runs I'm most excited for can be found here: again, everyone! Can't wait until Saturday!

Unable to sign onto account on several apps (trough safari?)

After hitting the “sign in/log on “ In the rdr2 companion app, and several others including some package tracking apps from reputable companies, I’m met with just a blank or black page without any input options for name or password.. it’s getting rather annoying and feel that I have tried every adjustment in safari (because the app opens a safari window to load the sign in page)I have the firefox focus app with integration activated. But of course I tried turning it off, deleting the focus app, restarted phone.. turned off every privacy setting in Safari but nothing helps, and tried it several times over.It’s massively STUPID that safari doesn’t have a basic reset to default option, like why?So if I have missed something or I am looking in the wrong place to fix it with some settings I might have forgotten about some help would be much obliged!I also have a VPN app but of course turned that off when trying, even deleting it....

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[SALE SETS HERE] - New Good SALE Rates- Alex's Level UP Services [CS] 1:11.1 | [TF] 1:11.1 | [GEM] 1:5000

Big stock right now ~ Just add bot: Use command !help to see all commands

유머글 아무거나71894

Made my first killvideo of Mythic G'huun

Hey guys I am not sure if it's alowed here, and if not I'll delete the post. Recently got my first Cutting Edge after stepping into Mythic for the first time during Antorus, the Burning Throne and decided to make a kill video for it was something I always wanted to do. It's my first kill video and would like to get some feedback for my next one.​​

The weekend is here 🙌🏻

going around bing a idiot in VRchat

Natura Farms Keto Necessary protein with each foods individuals on a proteins diet strategy technique find out less complicated to reduce up fat and its difficult to eat too much proteins as you should be getting about g for every lb you weigh. Along with proteins fresh vegetables should type about of your foods as they are finish of antioxidants nutritional products to keep you finish of fibre and keep you fighting fit. Carbs should be absorbed around training as they help you recover faster and experience energised. Water individuals just dont recognize how essential frequent normal water is you should be consuming ltrs a day to keep moisturized and more on training times .

January transfer window: What do Premier League clubs need? [More bad reporting - no Watford????]

The Wraith king and Barbarian king (League of Legends and DotA2)

[Xbox] WTB BoS Combat Armor Set, Level 50, Legendary or not i dont care.

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Translation please

Yo, why does Just Cause 4's water look like an early PS2 game

El Chapo Trial Shows That Mexico’s Corruption Is Even Worse Than You Think

El Chapo Trial Shows That Mexico’s Corruption Is Even Worse Than You Thinkhttps:// December 30, 2018 at 10:40PM by /u/SuccessfulOperation -\_chapo\_trial\_shows\_that\_mexicos\_corruption\_is/?utm\_source=iftttvia /r/news -

Ya can't deny that Majima looks good in any cutscene, or in the game at all. Just look at him.

Just reached lvl 100, yayyyyy, where the gloves tho?

3 Dead and Scores Missing in Russia Building Collapse


An American Photographer’s Pilgrimage to the Italian Village of Luzzara


What to see, hear and do this week, Decemb... New publication in from Come to see more... • #stubfeed #stubfeeddance #dance #dancing *

Me during sadboi hours

How potent are Mr. X mushrooms

I have grew Mr. X shrooms. I have never eaten them before but I read (from where I bought the kit) that they are very potent . I have eaten a few diffrent strains before like B+, Cambodian Gold, Hawaiian +, Mckenaii... I am gonna take 3.5g of these Mr. X and I wana know how does it compare to cubes of normal strenght.

This Question

"Bi Lighting", Digital, 1000x1000

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Storch k7hCF Betsham M2.53 V12.44Download Filmic Intro After Effects Template

My 3 year old not potty trained

So my son turned 3 in October just gone and I’m starting to worry because he’s not showing any signs of wanting to use the toilet. I’ve been told not to worry and that he will do it when he’s ready but I just can’t not worry.

You guys have issues with social things?

I have a mild form of CP , It's hard for me to form relationships. I only have a few friends that I'am thankful for but sometimes I feel like my message doesn't come out right because I may be monotone, and have robotic voice at times. And also I have jerky, twitchy, robotic movements, and other body language issues like being hard to read with issues doing the correlating facial expression(Comes in handy with poker tho oddly). I don't want to look "weird" or odd and don't want to throw people off and be scared of me, I don't want them to be uncomfortable, it makes me feel bad to put them in that position. But I feel like I try to give people my best but its gets me flustered after a while . I try new things and try to get people to go and do things with me or even in groups but dunno no luck.some other things is I have anxiety after bullying and assumptions people have made about me like, O he must be on drugs, gay, mental or other baseless things I heard in passing, and this anxiety with CP kills me mentally and physically,But I am going to a psychologist to help myself and he tells me people with CP have issues with this kind of stuff as well. which is enlightening. So I was kinda wondering how do you guys cope with this and how to better myself as a person, ps Im a 20 year old dude in college, I understand I have time to better myself, its just painful to have alot of defeat and little wins.

Cold turkey kratom

Background info, I am a 23 year old male and have been using heroin on and off for 10 years, I quit methadone cold turkey with the help of jail lol. I have been clean from Heroin for a little over a year but for the past few months have been taking kratom. I take about 7 grams twice a day of bali. I really want to get off of it as I have lost 20 pounds in these short months and no longer workout or do things I used to. It also has affected me financially and I took 2 weeks off work 3 weeks ago and tried to cold turkey made it to day 3 and relapsed and this exact same thing has happened twice more since then I am really struggling and just looking for some support I plan to post everyday and let people know how I'm doing I'm just dying to be free of this damn addiction. So please any help would be appreciated. As of now my last dose was 5 grams at around 9 or 10 I'm not sure but no later then 10 so I'm 4 hours in and obviously feel fine. Anyways Im about to go to bed. Just took some melatonin I will update tomorrow evening when I am more into the acute phase. Until then Goodnight.

What do you think about the backlash and bullying of Louis CK after he made jokes about non-binary people and school shooting victims? Do you think he should retire like the SJW tweets suggest?

21[M4F] #KansasCity inexperienced guy looking for some head

I have very little to no experience at all. I'm a tall DDF guy with an average build. If you want to know more or are interested, PM me.