Friday 23 March 2018

Note to self.

This post is a reference for me to hold myself accountable. Maybe it'll help you in some way too!You've been cheating with carbs your entire life. It's time to stop cheating and stick to something special for once!! It's so hard. So, very hard to turn down that warm cinnamon roll you love. Or that crunchy garlic bread. But you will. You'll make healthy and yummy alternatives, you'll get used to saying "No, thank you" because you have. a. goal.It's been working for you so far!! Not as fast as you'd want but trust the process.It's my goal to really push my body. In ways I never have before. My goal by summer, with IF and consistent exercise, is to be 180-190 lbs. I want to feel happier than I've been lately. Always try to do your best. Keep pushing.What are your goals? Please keep aiming for them.

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