Saturday 24 March 2018

[Meta] Admin Abuse & Ban Appeal

You may be wondering why I posted this publicly. You'll see in a moment.I got banned by Dangerless for reasons I do not know. I do know that it has to do with the following events. If any other admins can post audit logs to verify my claims that would be helpful. Even just allowing me to talk to one of you guys would be nice.Anywho, it all started with a friendly discussion with someone else about me recently installing Linux. I mentioned it's security and Dangerless decided to join the conversation. He made some pretty anecdotal arguments (I was trying to source facts on the contrary). He was making some strange blanket statements and outright denying facts. This will be relevant later.So he continued to dismiss my claims with zero evidence. He eventually said something along the lines of "I swear to god I'm going to kick him". He mentioned that I wasn't listening, despite the fact that he clearly didn't care enough to listen to me. Which was not at all what I was doing (despite doing himself). Anywho, he kicks me.He tells people pretty much that I'm wrong while I'm waiting for the cooldown. When I come back on I give a little rant about how unjustified that was. I said (to paraphrase) the following:Hey, that wasn't cool. I'd like to think that I'm open to new ideas, but you clearly don't care about that. I'm trying to have a debate, I'm trying to reference facts and you keep dismissing them. It seemed like you were upset, and I guess you banned me over that. It just seems like you want to win. You cared enough to bother trying to take over the conversation, but didn't care enough to actually participate. That really came off as egotistic. I'm not mad, I can't feel that. I can only feel sad for you man.He says some things (I can't remember exactly) and I say something along the lines of "Screencapping time lol". Shortly after, he bans me, purges all conversation (got this from a friend of mine), and bans me from all Net64+ related groups. This is really unfair as I got zero trial whatsoever. It almost like he was trying to hide the convo, and cut contact with the other staff in order to hide it? Probably not.If Dangerless is reading this, I really don't care. You made a mistake, as all of us do. Just recognize that you do, unban me, and let's move on.

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