Saturday 24 March 2018

Is annie really that strong in lower elo? Or is she just good for learning the game?

I've been playing midlane and top for quite some time, with some jungle mixed in, so I have an alright understanding of mechanics and macro play but I really want to improve a bit more and climb. Many people recommend annie for learning midlane in lower elo, especially LS obviously. I made it to gold last season in my placements and then kind of dropped the game due to lack of certainty if I was ready. Malz was my go-to for a bit in s7 ranked however doesn't feel nearly as strong as he was, but annie is quite similar in simplicity and strength to old malz so it made me curious.I did pick up annie for a couple games in ranked after learning her kit and basically got dumpstered by a kata/shaco/sion repeat diving me, and then got wrecked by jayce and then a Cass in the following few games. I guess they could've just been unlucky games plus I'm not familiar with the champ. But it does make me wonder if she's really that amazing or if I just need more games on her. Should I keep rolling with annie or is she maybe a bit over-exaggerated in strength for low elo players?

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