Friday 23 March 2018

Cards that need a buff (or nerf)

Since the balance update is coming out next month I thought I would compile my own list of cards that need balancing (and how they should be balanced). I'm going to focus on commons and rares since their issues stem from the cards themselves rather than mat requirements.Also I know a lot of people on this sub seem to have the attitude of "any card i'm using shouldn't be nerfed, and any card i'm not using shouldn't be buffed" but I'm hoping you guys read this with an unbiased and open mind.Cards that need a buff:Le Bard Jimmy:The Problem: This card is a 4 cost unit(which makes him harder to deploy as a counter) with the stats of a 2 cost warrior. His warcry is basically only good for clearing swarms but also makes it so he can't defend immediately.The Fix: Make him 3 cost, reduce warcry effect to 60% of what it currently is(still more than enough to clear all swarms of equal lvl) and reduce warcry time.Energy Staff:The Problem: Only really usable in the last minute of the game, and even then its too easy to counter with HHC, lightning etc.The Fix: Triple its health(and drain rate). This keeps the energy gain the same. However it makes energy staff's health comparable to Zen Cartman, turning it into a very nice 30 second use defensive card that really suits the mystic theme well.Dark Mage Craig:The Problem: His warcry is weak, and the delay makes him unusable for responding to rats/pigeons effectively.The Fix: Turn his warcry into a deathwish, and make it completely remove NK leader zap for 5 seconds instead of halving it.Purify:The Problem: terrible range, can't adequately respond to poison and is hard to aim.The Fix: Increase its rangePigeons:The Problem: Due to their high cost compared to other swarms they often result in bad energy exchanges when countered (for instance poisoning pigeons results in a +1 exchange, whereas poisoning rats is an even exchange). And due to their slow movement speed they are easily countered by any card with any sort of ranged damage.The Fix: Make pigeons 3 cost but only summon 4 pigeons (instead of 5). Increase movement speed from .72 to .8 (For comparison rats are 1.7 movement speed)Medicine Woman Sharon:The Problem: She is a 4 cost unit that has low health(and thus is easily countered) with an ability that doesn't quite justify it. Low health 4 cost cards with a charge really need a good charge(think Stan of Many Moons or Mecha Timmy) to make up for the high likelyhood of a bad energy trade (e.g. from HHC, Fireball, Rogue Token, etc.)The Fix: Make her charge give a permanent health bonus instead of just healing (similar to Robin Tweek).All Dougies:The Problem: They are simply too much of an energy commitment for how easily they are countered (an assassin v dougie results in a -4 energy trade).The Fix: Reduce their energy cost to 3, and decrease their health to 60% of what it currently is.Cards that need a Nerf:Rats:The Problem: Because of their massive dps (largest in the game by far) they are simply too good at gnawing away at any fighter in their path, as well as multiple assassins at once. Right now their DPS at lvl 7 is 168. For comparison, the next 10 highest DPS units are all between 100-120 DPS at lvl 7.The Fix: increase their attack delay. Right now they attack every 1.5 seconds, increase it to 1.9 seconds (same as smuggler Ike) which would bring their DPS down to 132.Stan the great:The Problem: His charge time is 7.14 seconds, his charge last for 5 seconds, and has a fast charge animation. Let's compare this to Gunslinger Kyle, who has a charge time of 10 seconds, only last for 3 seconds and has a long charge animation. Its simply too easy to fire off for how good it is.The Fix: increase charge rate to 10 seconds (same as Program Stan, and Stan of Many Moons), and increase charge animation time slightly.Princess Kenny:The Problem: Deathwish lasts way too long, especially since its a 0 energy cost deathwish that also effects the NK.The Fix: Reduce Deathwish time from 10 seconds to 5 seconds. Make NK immune to it.Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any feedback or constructive criticism is totally welcome!

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