Sunday, 14 November 2021


All this time, all those lines, All these people, all those masks.Only hurry, all the time. The world doesn't stop for a second.At least for them."Oh, hey!" Don't mind me, a random-skipping-girl, Living in this rush.You probably don't even have time.And all the time, all those eyes, All on me, all the time. Looking, inspecting, expecting. What the hell do I do?Deep down, Somewhere deep down in my soul, There is something. A distraction. A mix of feelings, random thoughts, ruins of my day, a couple of texts and a random part of a book that i read 5 years ago. Deep down... It allows me to skip.And the deeper I go, the weirder it gets. It all mixses, All those pixsels, It explodes, into nonesence. That lets me skip.Deep, deep, deeper, deep. I don't follow anymore.And all the plans, And all the rush, And all the noise, coming out of town. All these masks, All those folks, Pretending.Every skip is as confuzing, Every jump just as amuzing. Look, I'm here, now I'm there. Who knows when. Who knows how.All those musts. Every "No," Every "Stop it," And every "Shut up." Mixsed. It's drowning me. All together.Every song, Every video, And every single piece. Mixsed. In me.I don't follow anymore. Don't follow their walk, Don't follow your talk, Don't follow myself.It's all being skipped. Right now.And deep down, Deep down... I don't care.....................Just to clarify, with the word 'skip' I meant a really weird thing that I experience every day multiple times. I zone out, start thinking of huge amount of memories and things that I have experienced. The whole world dissapears. And then, sometimes after a few seconds, sometimes after a longer time, I "return back."It feels like the time skipped a few seconds and I don't know what's happening or sometimes even where I am. I hope that i recreated that feeling well in this poem.

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