So I (F21) met someone (M24) through a dating app and we've been talking for a month now. We met up four times; first time we had a casual drink, other times I would go to his place or he would come to mine. From our first date he made it clear that his intentions were good, that he was looking for something serious and even added "I'm 24 now, it's time for me to settle down". We have common interest in a few things and I feel that we are on the same page overall. He really does seem to like me too and is upfront about the fact he likes talking about me to his friends, even coworkers? Like, introducing me and saying he's met someone.Yesterday was the fourth time we met (at my place) and the evening was going so well. We talked, had dinner, watched a movie, cuddled, and we eventually kissed... for a very long time. It was the first time we were going really passionately at it and without getting into the details, I'd say we got very close physically and shared intimacy BUT didn't do it either. We did not have sex, which I'm relieved about, and I kinda sense that we both felt like it wasn't the right time and place anyway. Important to mention too; I never felt like he absolutely wanted to either and didn't make a sudden move (like undressing me or idk). I felt respected on that note and I think he realized it was way too early to go any further. The evening went on, we watched another episode and he would just put his arm around my shoulders, then go home as he has work early in the morning. I didn't feel any particular change in his behavior, I mean we hugged, he kissed my forehead and lips, we even finally exchanged numbers then he left. Sent me a goodnight text and said he had a great evening.Yet why I am getting so worried? I woke up this morning to no message. He always sends something in the morning when going to work, and he did not this time. Just asked him if he had enough sleep, if we were still seeing each other this Sunday, and got veeery brief responses, nothing extra. My friends tell me I'm making up the worst scenarios in my mind and there's literally no reason for me to get worked up, but I can't help but imagine maybe he thought we shouldn't have been intimate, even though it felt reciprocal yesterday and well, it's not even like we did it?I have serious anxiety and abandonment issues due to my ex having a change of heart right after we had sex, which now leads me to doubting myself every time on this matter. Do you guys think I'm having the wrong idea, or that it's possible he's processing it?
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