Thursday, 29 October 2020

Should I stay or should I go

I’ve been with my partner for 7 years. We’ve been through a lot together and he is my best friend, I love him more than anyone else I know. I have grown increasingly frustrated with our relationship over the last few years. I can’t imagine leaving, but I feel like I’ve exhausted all my resources to change things. I don’t know what to do... We have sex maybe once a month. Anytime I initiate I get rejected which is humiliating and extremely frustrating. He only initiates while I am sleeping which I find really kind of creepy. I have tried over and over to talk to him about this and he gets defensive and angry with me and the conversation leads no where. He also avoids me constantly. He always finds “projects” to work on and gets completely absorbed with them. Nothing I say or do get his attention. He once went a week without speaking to me and we live in the same house. When he isn’t working on projects he is on his phone. All.the.time. He says he’s not mad and nothings wrong. I explained I need more out of our relationship and he agreed to go to therapy, nothing really changed. I guess we fight less, but there is still almost no intimacy between us. He also has a really bad temper and It’s always annoyed me, but I don’t want to have kids with someone who can fly off the handle like he does. It’s miserable feeling so alone all the time, we used to really connect. I don’t know what changed and he just won’t talk to me about how he feels. Does this sound salvageable or should I just move on?

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