So I'm using a throwaway account in case people I know trace my post back to me. Anyhow, here's the context:I broke up with my boyfriend of a year. Why? Because I got sick of him. No, not in the toxic sense of getting sick of him for no reason. I mean that I got sick of him making the same mistakes over and over again. These are trivial mistakes, things that wouldn't matter if they happened once. For example, I asked him if it would be okay for him to tell me that if he is going out with a friend, he could give me a short explanation of who they are, because I want to know what is happening in his life and especially who his friends are. Not to become best friends with his best mates, but just so as his girlfriend I could just know who he was hanging out with (I feel like that's a basic right for a partner to have). And once, he forgot to tell me where he was going and I found out later, so I pointed out that I'd prefer if he would just give me a heads up next time so I could be aware. That's fine, it happened once and he said he would tell me next time. But he stopped telling me what he was getting up to.And then I noticed that he was talking to a girl and I didn't even know who it was. I asked him and he just said she was an online friend. Okay, moving forward a couple of months, we had talked about things and he wanted to start moving on with his life and filter out the toxic people in his life (he had quite a few), and he mentioned that he wanted to focus on his real life friends instead of his barely present online ones. I supported that because it was his decision to do so and my job to be a supportive person in his life. But the key thing to note here is that he is someone who cares a lot about what other people think of him. Once I found out that the way this girl was talking to him was quite suspicious and I brought this up with him, he said he would stop talking to her. But guess what? He didn't because he didn't want to hurt her feelings. So naturally I got upset because to me, it felt like I have given him all this time (months) for him to figure out what to do with this situation and he ended up choosing to not hurt her feelings instead of mine. I don't know about you but to me, that felt like he really didn't respect how I felt.These similar things kept happening over and over the duration of our relationship. I'm quite conflicted because these occurrences are quite trivial on their own but the issue is that they kept building up repeatedly. I heard somewhere that if someone is willing enough to consider your feelings and care about you enough they will do whatever they can do fix these immediate issues at hand. What adds to my conflict is that we had a solid friendship before we started dating and when we were friends, he seemed really mature and dependable to me. I feel that he is a really good person himself but I'm not sure if he is a good boyfriend.When I tell him that the fact that he keeps repeatedly making mistakes, it feels as if he does not respect my opinion, he tries to justify that he was just focusing on the wrong issues. But I have personally given him time and advice about how to go about fixing or even just improving his mistakes over a period of 8+ months and I just feel like he does not care enough to see my point.To give some more perspective, we had an agreement to stop following 'models' on social media as we are in a committed relationship. I know that sounds quite immature, but he would always get extremely upset if I even brought up this one celebrity I really liked ever since I was young, so I brought up this idea so we can both get some ease of mind. However, he kept failing to hold his end of the agreement and kept following and liking half naked girls on social media, even after I had pointed it out several times. Additionally, him being a really friendly person in general, he would always hug and hold hands and cuddle etc with his girl friends (he mostly has girl friends, even now) even when I was around. His girl friends have been very unfriendly to me, calling me names and bullying me and then eventually started teasing him too, but he would always defend them over me. He said that he thought that's what friends did, and that it was normal to him.I want to believe he is oblivious.When I point out that he has made a mistake, he really goes over the edge and acts like he had made an unforgivable mistake. Even when I tell him that it's alright as long as he remembers for next time, he says things such as "I don't deserve you" and "you're better of without me". I know he doesn't say these things to guilt trip me, but the fact that he acts this way initially and then just keeps repeating the same mistakes again and again makes me feel like I am not respected much at all.He is a great person. He is always there when I message him asking for a favor or just want to vent about something. He is always willing to turn up to my house when I am sick or upset about something and I need company. I can tell he loves me a great deal, but these conflicts between us happening repeatedly has lead me to question whether he only loved me for his benefit, for the sake of having a girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, he has done plenty and more for me, he has sacrificed his time and money and sometimes his health to be with me, by my side. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I am just being ungrateful and hypersensitive. But his mistakes have truly pushed me to a point where I had to suggest breaking up or at least having a solid break to have some space for ourselves because all we were doing was fighting. At this point in time we are trying to figure out which direction to take this relationship but I really would appreciate some outside perspective. My friends have told me that I deserve to be with someone who does not make me unhappy but sometimes I feel as if I am the one who is making myself unhappy and using him as an excuse.TL;DR - I broke up with my boyfriend because he always kept making the same trivial mistakes over and over again until they had all built up to a point where I could not forgive him anymore. He himself is a very decent person and I feel that if I don't try mending this relationship, it would be a waste. But at the same time, wouldn't we have been able to mend it before we broke up if we were meant to be?So here's my question. Should I give a go at mending our relationship? I do see a future with him, us settling down and living together. I'm just not sure if we are able to get there based on the current situation.
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