Saturday, 28 March 2020


To be a Gnostic is to be someone who questions reality. Everything around them. Your own perception of things. Your own beliefs. But that’s the concept of it. A Gnostic is essentially a person who believes in the existence of a God, but one in which they do not worship. To Gnostics, God is a mistaken creation from higher entities known as ‘Aeons’. The God of these Aeons and God of all things being entitled ‘The Monad’, the true God. Sophia otherwise known as Lucifer or Jesus, is an Aeon that attempted to recreate the divine light of Monad and in that she created Yaldabaoth, who to humanity is known as Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh etc. But Yaldabaoth looked like a Beast and was ignorant of himself being a creation, he is known as a ‘Demiurge’. Yaldabaoth decided to create his own things: The Material Universe that Humans exist in, Archons otherwise known as Angels and eventually, Humans. All of these things are flawed, a reflection of his mistaken existence. Humans die, wither away, feel pain and wreak havoc among themselves. Angels rebelled against Yaldabaoth himself and even everything in this universe comes to an end. Sophia believed she needed to fix her wrongs and she descended upon the material Lucifer. She became close to Yaldabaoth, easy as due to her being his creator but this he did not know. She rebelled against, leaving no blood spilled but only that she and her angels would not accept Yaldabaoth’s teachings. Lucifer (Sophia) and 1/3 of Angels followed her. She took them to the Pleroma, where they met true divinity. Sophia believed in Free will and the right to a choice therefore could not forcefully take the rest of the angels. She needed to free humanity but these were Yaldabaoth’s most prized creations, she came to humanity as Jesus, spread divine truth, knowledge, love and compassion to the world in which humanity then had her executed. The same ignorance that they received from Yaldabaoth was displayed in the crucifixion. The birth of Christianity would lead to the birth of Gnosticism. And this was the way Humanity would be free. By discovering the truth, by willingly questioning their own indoctrinated beliefs. Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) is out of control, a being that flooded his creations and tortures and burns those who chose not to believe or sin, The Monad does not believe in such punishment. Instead, in the end, when the Day of Judgement arrives, Yaldabaoth will attempt to put the world into fire and chaos, bloodshed and tears. This will be time for the spiritual reunification of all things, for all beings to be forgiven and loved and accepted into the Pleroma including Yaldabaoth, including killers, rapists, thieves and gluttons etc. As all beings must be forgiven, for they never knew the light that shone above them. This is the way of The Monad, this is the way of Gnosticism. Summary of the Ancient Texts of The Nag Hammadi Library

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