I am Selling this on behalf of u/Engagexanthus Do bot message him about any of these items as I am doing everything for himEvery Item in the List is (TACTICIAN )Every Item is From OG CrateTaking Offers Will Add prices at a later dateWhite Nine LivesWhite AetherBlack AlchemistWhite Animus2x White AqueousWhite AstarothBlack AstarothWhite AthenaWhite BinaryWhite BreakoutWhite BuzzkillBlack BuzzkillWhite Callous BrosWhite Capacitor IVWhite CentioWhite ChakramBlack ChakramWhite ChanticoBlack ChanticoBlack CirrusWhite CobraWhite CometWhite CrittersBlack SouthernWhite SouthernWhite WesternWhite CruxeWhite CycloneWhite Damon KelpieBlack Damon KelpieBlack DatastreamWhite DiscoWhite Dune RacerWhite EggedBlack EnchanterWhite EndoBlack FalcoWhite FantasmoBlack FantasmoWhite FgspWhite FlamethrowerBlack FlamethrowerWhite FroggyBlack FroggyWhite Funny BookBlack Funny BookWhite Future shockWhite GigapedeWhite GriffonBlack GriffonInverted SetCrimson HeliosBurnt Sienna HeliosSky Blue HeliosWhite HeliosGrey HeliosSaff HeliosPink HeliosForest Green HeliosPurple HeliosBlack HexphaseWhite HexphaseBlack Holiday DecoWhite Holiday DecoWhite ImperatorWhite ionWhite Island KingBlack Island KingBlack JianghsiWhite Jolt BangleWhite JägerWhite KawaiiWhite LftWhite LoboBlack LoboWhite LonewolfBlack LonewolfBlack LowriderWhite MadnessWhite Magic MissileWhite MainframeWhite MantisWhite MaverickWhite Mdga2x White MechacephBlack MechacephWhite MercWhite MeridianWhite Endo Mg-88Black Endo Mg-88White MoboBlack MoboWhite Mosher2x White MuddyBlack MummifiedBlack Neo ThermalTactician White NiceshotTactician Black NiceshotTactician White NimbusWhite NntrBlack NooooGrey NooooPurple NooooLime NooooSky Blue NooooOrange NooooBurnt Sienna NooooSaffron NooooForest Green NooooPink NooooBlack Odd FishWhite PhotonBlack PhotonWhite PlasmaBlack PowershotWhite PowershotWhite ProptosisWhite Quaser2x White Rad ReindeerBlack Rad ReindeerLime Zsr RlcsForest Green Gt Rlcs2x White Dominus RlcsForest Green Zsr RlcsWhite Gt RlcsPurple Breakout RlcsSaffron Gt RlcsWhite Zsr RlcsCobalt Breakout RlcsBurnt Sienna Zsr RlcsSaffron Dominus RlcsBlack Dominus RlcsCrimson Zsr RlcsTw Breakout RlcsSky Blue Octane RlcsPink Dominus RlcsLime Type s RlcsPink Type s RlcsLime Octane RlcsBlack Breakout RlcsBlack Type s RlcsPurple Dominus RlcsWhite Type s RlcsSky Blue Zsr RlcsGrey Gt RlcsPurple Gt RlcsBurnt Sienna Dominus RlcsSky Blue Gt RlcsBlack Octane RlcsWhite Road HogWhite TyrantBlack TyrantWhite SamuraiWhite SavageWhite SingularityWhite SlimlineWhite SparklesBlack SpatterWhite SpatterBlack Spring FlowersWhite Infinite SprocketsBlack UnmaskedWhite UnmaskedWhite Takumi Sticker BombWhite Octane Sticker BombBlack Octane Sticker BombWhite Streak wavesBlack Streak waveWhite SujiBlack SundaeWhite SundaeWhite SupernovaWhite TachyonBlack ThanatosWhite ThanatosWhite ThermalWhite Toon SketchWhite TorrentWhite TribalWhite TroikaBlack Tsunami BeamWhite Tsunami BeamBlack Tumbling BlockWhite TwinzerWhite VenomWhite Virtual WaveWhite WerewolfWhite Wet PaintBlack Widows WebWhite WindsweptWhite X-DevilBlack XVIIWhite XVIIBlack Yamane
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