Tuesday, 2 July 2019

My Hair Keeps Getting Shorter Without Me Cutting it

So I have 3a hair and every time I wash it, it gets really curly. I don't mind it by my grandmother will keep insulting me about it and she makes me let her straighten it. I hate it when it's straightened but I've noticed something else.My hair used to be down to my waist but now it's only halfway over my back. I looked it up and a few articles said that straightening can damage curly hair. I told my grandmother this and she called it bullshit because she straightened her hair all the time and she's fine (Note my grandmother has very short hair and her hair is straight)I told her I didn't want it straightened anymore and she kept insulting me saying that my hair looked ugly and etc.I decided to ask for help now because today she actually made fun of my hair being shorter. And I told her about what I said about the straightening and she once again tried to blame it on something else.The question is what do I do about her?If I keep it natural she'll insult me 24/7 and if she straightens it it'll keep breaking off.

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