Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Any Students who fast around here?

Hello,Sooo, I am a college student, currently taking 20 units in a quarter system (11 weeks). So, it's a bit too stressful for me at the moment. I have been researching about extended fasts, and I have done 24-40 hour fasts, but that was the longest for me. I am a little worried though since I study, commute, work, and basically do everything that requires a lot of energy and attention. On a positive note, I know since I am pretty busy, it can help with forgetting about food for a while and focus all my attention on just what I need to do. I know fasting is great. I just want to hear someone who is a student and was able to continue on with their lives while doing an extended fast without feeling nauseous or exhausted--I walk around campus a lot as well, in case it's something to consider. I already bought electrolytes, tea, you name it to stay on top of things while fasting.I am a 23F. 5"4' 174 lbs and I really want to lose weight. Also, I have skin issues (whiteheads under the skin, and large pores) and I heard that fasting helps with that (please share your experience with how fasting helped your skin, that would be amazing!!)I have a wedding in May. I am also graduating this Spring and it is actually motivating me to stay focused on this matter and be healthy looking rather than overweight during such important events.Thanks in advance!

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