Saturday, 1 September 2018

Dragonborn Cleric

I came up with an idea for a character and was just wondering if it was a good idea. Not sure if this idea has ever been discussed. It would be a Silver Dragonborn cleric of Bahamut. The interesting thing would be that the character would actually be Bahamut and wouldn’t know. It would have some pretty serious lore disruptions to the world eg Bahamut been beaten centuries ago and has been thought dead or lost in a different plane or something in that vein. He would just assume that Bahamut is out there somewhere hiding and that’s how he is given his divine abilities but it actually comes from himself reborn. If he ever speaks to Bahamut through Devine intervention it would be an inner monologue that he has no idea is actually coming from inside him. Just curious if anyone had any thoughts on this.

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