I get banned today with no explanation other than I violated User License Agreement. Which have read and done none of that. I have never cheated in this game, or any other game. Never have I even used a glitch or any form of abusing the system. Not even the pistol glitch. Not some young punk who has to ruin the game for others. Thousands of hours in other games and never had any problems. Then out of the blue I am banned. Almost feel it's a joke, but nope. You can not appeal the process or anything. They just fuck you and steal your money, and that is exactly what it is. Theft!! Guess they hope you will just go buy another account so they can make more money. Guess they gotta pay for server upgrades somehow. Yes am I bitter. Hell fucking yes. Anyone would be who has never cheated. I am beyond livid!! This is just a warning to everyone else. Play at your own risk, cause you might get your money stolen too
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