So, we all know that left peeking angles in Tarkov is basically a death wish. Before your gun is out, almost all of your body is exposed in the peek because the character is holding the weapon on the right side. This is especially important to consider when fighing in CQC.The way I envisioned it was: PMCs are supposed to be trained operatives, so it shouldn't really matter (or maybe it should in the form of some small penalties, like Ergo debuffs, or Recoil Control debuffs, etc) which hand they use to operate the firearm, so BSG should give us a way of switching the shoulder the gun is sitting on, such that if we hit a keycombo, we get our characters to swap sides and then we can left peek more safely.I never really knew how this could look in the game until I saw this video today, which is why I'm making this suggestion post - I saw the video and it clicked for me. This would be f-ing awesome in the game and it would add a great new layer of dynamism to CQC in Tarkov. 4:28 into the video (link directly links to the bit I'm talking about but I'll leave the timestamp just in case it doesn't for you), you can see that operative making a quick rotation from his right shoulder to the left to clear the left peek angle of the building without over-exposing himself.From a Software Engineer's perspective, I'm pretty sure this would be a bit labour-intensive to implement in Tarkov as it probably requires a fair bit of animation work as well as probably some more modelling work and obviously the code, but I think it would be worth it as Tarkov is already (imo) one of the best games when it comes down to player movement, animations and just overall gameplay mechanics.What do you all think?