> Playing Pathfinder> Be me Level 2 Tower Elf Wizard> Be not me, Lvl 2 Oread Barbarian, Lvl 2 Elf Sorcerer, Lvl 2 Cleric, The DM> Cleric has left for the night, everyone else decided to keep on playing, bad idea> We are hunting some monster that has been attacking villagers at night> We find a trail left by the attackers leading into the forest> We follow the trail and step on every tree branch along the way> After about 15 minutes of traveling it happened. Gnoll Ambush.> One Gnoll hopped out of a bush and swung at our Barbarian who was leading the way.> Crit, our barbarian dropped down to 4 Hp instantly.> Our Barbarian rages gets a good hit in but goes down in the next round, leaving the two spellcasters to face against one gnoll who also just raged> We only manage to deal about 1d4 damage per turn because 1st level spells> We run around the gnoll, staying just out of range, and blasting it with magic missile> Gnoll eventually dashes to the sorcerer and takes him down in the next round with another crit, leaving me by myself> At this point I have circled back around to the barbarian and manage to stabilize him.> Level 2 Wizard vs Chad Gnoll> Gnoll pulls out a health potion and drinks it> Even if I back up the gnoll will be on me in two turns, no clue what to do.> Starting throwing the barbarians rations away in hopes that it will leave me alone> Gnoll charges me> Backup and use my last magic missile, in the next round I get decapitated> I am the only one who dies, Barbarian keeps my skull to remember me by